1 Confirmed COVID-19 Case Reported as of Today, June 28, 2020 in Barangay Pamantingan

To our beloved people of Esperanza, it is unfortunate that we have 1 confirmed COVID-19 case reported as of today, June 28, 2020 in Barangay Pamantingan. The patient already finished the 14-days quarantine and is now under strict monitoring and isolation and in stable condition. The situation is under control and the patient is properly isolated/quarantined.

During this time of crisis, the Local Government Unit of Esperanza under the leadership of Mayor Charles Federic PloteƱa and Incident Commander Doc Gilson Laspinas and the rest of the Inter-agency Task Force Esperanza and local officials will do everything to contain the positive case and maintain the safety of our community.

These are challenging and uncertain times, so we really need the COOPERATION, SUPPORT and FAITH of everybody. As family and community we are confident that we can get through this together. We heal as one!


Source: Jim Jim Auza


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